Wednesday, August 25, 2010

House and Hospital

It's been a while since I've checked email. It's just interesting to
see my priorities change.

Last Sunday we did church at Majengo at Yesu Anaweza. It was good.
It's just always fun to hear the Tanzanian's sing. After church, we
went with Troy and Jen to a village and worked with the kids there.
We sang and did a message about loving your enemies. I guess Jen
posted videos on my facebook wall so you can check those out. It was
a lot of fun.

Monday, Tuesday we were at Yesu Anaweza working on Pastor Zachariah's
house. Oh my goodness, they build houses very different here. Kenny
was able to get a lot of the structure of the house done, so basically
the brick walls...and it's a pretty good size house for an African.
The fundis started on the roof and we started moving small boulders
and big rocks into the floor of the whole house. It was a lot of hard
physical labor...more than Americans are used to I'm certain. Then
you fill in gaps with smaller rocks and from there comes the cement.
Which is made of sand, gravel, rocks, and cement....all moved by
buckets from one place to another...I will try and load some video and
pictures at some point to help you understand. I have never been so
dirty and so tired than I have the last two days.

Today, Wednesday we did some more cement work on the house and then we
went to the hospital. The hospital is always the most eye opening and
harder thing to do. But also very rewarding. These people are so
very sick; it's a government hospital, so they are not's all
up to the family (if they have any) to take care. The hospital beds
are the farthest from what we would ever consider acceptable.
We were able to pray for some people and lead some to Christ and give
some Bibles. There are some great testimonies. The children that are
there just break my heart, but Jesus healed and He is good.

Now we are at Troy and Jen's for dinner. It's 7:15pm now and I think
people are getting close to wanting to head home (we are 10 hrs ahead
of Pacific Standard). So I'm going to end this entry. Sorry there
isn't much detail, but I wanted to throw out a brief update.

I would love to get emails from everyone...I think I'm better at
answering those than updating my blog. But I guess when I go to
Village Schools I would have very limited internet access, so blogging
will probably be my best best to send out mass updates.

Tomorrow and Friday we are continuing to work on the house. Saturday
we are going to a Maasi Village about 2.5 hrs our of town. So that
should be fun and interesting to see.

Love you all. Hope everything is going well. I do think about everyone.


  1. Hi Maroo! Thank you for the blog update!!! So good to hear you are safe and enjoying Africa. Building houses is exhausting! Good job putting in the hard work. What a blessing for the people who will live in it. Loved hearing that you guys went to the hospital! I want more specific stories, but I know you're short on time. Praying for you and missing you.
    Love you!!!

  2. Thanks for the update Rish, Miss YOU!
    May God give you the physical and emotional strength and good health to carry throught His purpose for those that you serve. Create fond memories and friendships that keep people connected to Christ Jesus for a lifetime!
    Love Mom~
